Street musicians create mood for busy people who are passing by, and fill the city with gladness. They can play at any unexpected places so we created a ground for music at one of the most ancient streets of Kyiv.
ReadStreet musicians create mood for busy people who are passing by, and fill the city with gladness. They can play at any unexpected places so we created a ground for music at one of the most ancient streets of Kyiv.
ReadThis is a magic story about the king of the Forest Reign written by the Ukrainian artist and writer Mykhajlo Zhuk around one hundred years ago. This fantastic story was illustrated by modern artist Christyna Yarosh.
ReadIn the center of Kyiv, at the Golden Gate, we arranged the art square. It is a comfortable place where both adults and children can entertain themselves.
ReadThe ceremonial event devoted to the Day of Unification of Ukraine that took place in Zhovtvevyi Palace in Kyiv. The event was decorated by exhibition of 50 social-patriotic placards.